Jim Mosher for Council - Contact/Support

Jim's Contact Information

One of the core requirements for effective representation is that those elected, as well as professional staff, have an open and sympathetic ear to citizens' concerns. It is the only way policies can be enacted ensuring their government will respond properly to them.

I would love to hear your comments and concerns.

  • The best way to reach me is to send your comments to my personal email: jimmosher@yahoo.com

  • Alternatively, you are welcome to call my home landline: (949) 548-6229 (I am one of the world's few people without a cell phone)

  • Or, whether you support me or not, you can provide your comments in the Google form below.

Yard Signs & Bumper Stickers

Short of unused ones being returned, the signs I purchased are all gone. Those who have them can show their support with a yard sign. Please note they are intended to be placed only on private property at a supporter's home -- not in roadways or medians.

Bumper stickers are still available. Although called "stickers," they aren't very sticky and can be easily removed from most surfaces without damage.

They can be picked up at any time -- while supplies last -- in the entryway to my home at 2210 Private Road ("Private Road" is not private. It is a normal public street & mine is the second house on the right).

If you would prefer me to make other arrangements email me at jimmosher@yahoo.com or use the support form, below.

How to Support Jim's Run for City Council

My campaign is entirely self-funded. I have not accepted, nor do I plan to accept, any contributions from anyone other than myself.

Rather than soliciting or accepting monetary contributions, I would prefer those wishing to support my candidacy spread the word to their friends and neighbors that I would be a needed addition to the Council.

You can let me know of your support by submitting the form below.

One of the best ways to increase support is to subscribe to my newsletter communications and to forward them to others, encouraging them to subscribe.

To add your name to that list, click the blue button, below, or check the box on the support form, and I will add your name for you.

For those who enjoy social media, another great way to show your support is through the "Citizens for Jim" Facebook page which some of my supporters have set up as an independent effort to generate chatter about my candidacy. They are looking for photos and kind words from supporters.

Support Form