Jim Mosher for Council - Supporters Comments
The following is a sampling of comments supporting my candidacy:
"What a breath of fresh air. Did not know people like Jim Mosher still existed! Thank goodness. Thank you Jim! It is a privilege to vote for you.."
-- Pamela Plotkin, District 4 (this website, 11/3/2022)
"I am writing to express my hope that before ballots for Newport Beach City Council are cast, the voter will read the ballot statements provided in the Voter Guide. Those statements certainly make the choice clear - Jim Mosher should be serving on our City Council. ... Jim has devoted countless hours to learning the workings of our city government, mostly first-hand at committee, commission, council and one on one meetings throughout the city. ... I truly hope you will join me in voting for the local citizen most qualified to help keep our city the fine place to live we all want it to be."
-- Melinda Seely, District 4 (letter submitted to the Daily Pilot)
"I want decency in my council. I want men and women who respect and value everyone. I want councilmembers who will represent everyone. I want Joy, Tom, Jim and Robyn."
-- Kathy Frazer, District 1 (Stu News, 10/28/2022)
"Vote for Tom Miller, Joy Brenner, Robyn Grant and Jim Mosher if you want candidates with independence of thought, respect for all constituents and a love of American democracy."
-- Gerald A. Giannini, District 1 (Stu News, 10/28/2022)
" Vote for the candidates with integrity. Vote for the candidates who are authentic. Vote for the candidates who care about doing good for the city and not themselves. Vote Miller, Vote Grant, Vote Brenner, Vote Mosher."
-- Assemblywoman Marilyn C. Brewer, ret., District 5 (Stu News, 10/28/2022)
"Jim Mosher is dedicated to Newport Beach. He has long attended council meetings, well prepared for decisions to be made, accepting no outside money and he is independent of political favors. He will guide the council for the public interest. "
-- Lu Anne Baker, District 2 (Stu News, 10/28/2022)
"I’m so happy to enthusiastically endorse my long time neighbor and friend, Jim Mosher for Newport Beach City Council. He is considered by those who know him to be perhaps the most knowledgeable of city issues of any candidate ever. His intellect, research, and attention to detail are widely recognized. With no political agenda and only the welfare of our wonderful city in mind, he is a vitally important vote to prevent a growing airport and enforce ordinances and agreements already in place. We deserve his representation!!!"
-- Nancy Clark, District 3 (Facebook, 10/27/2022)
"Much of what City Council does is working the details ... or more accurately, checking them! No one does this more consistently, conscientiously, and constructively than Jim Mosher. Whether its policy-making, passing local ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees or hiring the City Manager, Jim has tirelessly held the council accountable."
-- Joni Nichols, District 5 (Facebook, 10/24/2022)
"I can think of no better person to protect the future of Newport Beach than Jim Mosher."
-- Lynn Lorenz, District 2 (Daily Pilot, 10/23/2022)
"The city needs not one but four Jim Moshers — dedicated, apolitical, beholden to none, no hidden agenda, honest as the day is long, a true public servant just wanting to serve."
-- Jamshed Dastur, District 5 (Daily Pilot, 10/22/2022)
"Jim Mosher will always do the right thing for our city. He will welcome all to contribute their ideas for addressing city issues."
-- Dorothy Kraus, District 2 (Facebook, 10/22/2022)
"We believe Jim is a man of integrity, a logical thinker, who knows the details of the business and inner workings of the City of Newport Beach better than anyone we know and deserves to get elected to the City Council. Jim is best to serve our community."
-- Diane and Eric Thomas, District 7 (Facebook, 10/22/2022)
"Jim Mosher is amazingly knowledgeable of all city matters, and his incredibly informative newsletter is intended and able to provide the transparency that others just talk about."
-- Jean Watt, District 5 (Stu News, 10/21/2022)
"Jim is apolitical, refusing to bend to any political pressure or decision. There would be no learning curve for Jim. He already knows more about City government than anyone on Council or any governmental committee."
-- Nicole Reynolds, District 5, and Lynn Lorenz, District 2 (Stu News, 10/18/2022)
"I don’t want to be represented by anyone who would put our city at risk just to earn political favors. I want our council comprised of people who do the right thing. That’s why I’m casting my vote for Tom Miller, Jim Mosher and Joy Brenner, and hope you’ll do the same."
-- Dorothy Kraus, District 2 (Stu News, 10/18/2022)
"Jim Mosher is the very best candidate running in 2022 for a council seat, and maybe the best council candidate that we’ve had in over a decade."
-- Roy Englebrecht, District 4 (Daily Pilot, 10/16/2022)
"Jim Mosher (District 3) is by far the most knowledgeable and thus qualified person of any current councilperson or candidate. He has attended every City Council and Planning Commission Meeting since 2009. He is not afraid to speak up. He is a brilliant, retired scientist and will spend 100% of his time working for the residents. He will not accept any donations as many of his friends have found out. He will not waver and will make sure that the Council adheres to its guiding principles in keeping with the General Plan and the Zoning Code in order to maintain the quality of life that Newport Beach offers its residents. ... His opponent voted in favor of the 25-story Museum House project which was defeated by popular referendum."
-- Nicole Reynolds, District 6 (Stu News, 10/4/2022)
"Jim has mounted a true grass-roots campaign. He has not accepted any contributions, has done no mailings, has attended every one of the many candidates’ forums, and only recently distributed yard signs and bumper stickers, which he self-funded. ... He knows more about how the city functions, the City Charter, and other governing documents than any other elected official past and present. "
-- Leonard Simon, District 5 (Stu News, 10/4/2022)
"As more and more people have had the opportunity to listen to him, they are realizing how valuable it would be to have Jim Mosher on the City Council."
-- Lynn Lorenz, District 2 (Daily Pilot, 10/2/2022)
"Jim Mosher has proved his expertise, diligence, and care for this city over the past years at City Council Meetings. This diligence would make him an effective and trustworthy City Council member. "
-- Chloe Christelle Feller, District 3 (this website, 10/1/2022)
"The most independent thinker by far of all candidates has to be Jim Mosher who comes from a field (science) where independent thought is not only valued but expected. His inquiring mind has educated those of us who approach him for clarification on city government because Jim knows more about it than any councilmember. His objective in running for council is for the council to make its own decisions independent of city staff. He thinks the council should be listening to their constituents, representing their views and voting accordingly. As they have the opportunity to listen to him, more and more people are realizing how valuable it would be to have Jim on council."
-- Lynn Lorenz, District 2 (Stu News, 9/30/2022)
"There is no one more informed and qualified to be on City Council. We need you."
-- Vicki Cubeiro, District 5 (this website, 9/6/2022)
"Jim Mosher’s incomparable level of intellect, humility and dedication to the betterment of Newport Beach make him a stellar candidate for that position."
-- Lynn Lorenz, District 2 (Daily Pilot, 8/21/2022)
"I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Mosher from seeing him at all but one meeting (that I can recall) in the past six years for our Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission. His contributions are always polite, succinct and many times thought-provoking. He appears to be an expert on our City’s bylaws and General Plan. I truly enjoy his perspective on issues and always give them consideration. ... Jim is an altruistic, knowledgeable, generous and involved citizen. ... I look forward to seeing his name on the ballot."